Redefining procurement in electronic components
We are accompanying Sourceability, a US company in the electronic components business, in its digital transformation from distributor of goods to a solution and technology provider. And with it, we are accelerating the procurement process of an entire industry.
Platform economics in its purest form
Sourceability’s customers and its own account managers alike needed a more efficient procurement process, access to products had to be made possible worldwide and availability and pricing of electronic components needed to be maximally transparent. The focus was therefore on technologically implementing a platform that guarantees Sourceability global scalability.
This is what we did
The Sourcengine platform, a digital marketplace that takes into account the interests of all parties involved in the ordering process. It ensures process efficiency, global product access and price transparency. The system processes and searches the data of 550 million articles. The new platform is connected to various third-party systems and enables quotes and stock enquiries from several hundred distributors.
Congratulations to Turbine Kreuzberg. You have completed the project on a scale and to our satisfaction in ways that I would not have thought possible.
The Transformation
How Sourceability benefits specifically
An order that used to take days or weeks, depending on its size, can now be processed in just a few minutes. For example, the buyer uploads a bill of materials with thousands of items into Sourcengine by drag-and-drop and gets prices and availability listed within minutes. In addition, buyers now have the option of optimizing quotation lists in terms of price or delivery time.
Another advantage of Sourcengine is its flexibility: customers can plan partial deliveries for different production sites up to twelve months in advance. The platform also maps multi-level authorization structures of purchasing organizations.
Consulting on business model digitalization
Drafting and managing of requirements
System architecture design
User experience and interface design
Platform development with Spryker Commerce OS and Vue.js
Search realization with Elasticsearch
Infrastructure support
System integration of middleware and CRM
Continuous integration with our CI pipeline based on Gitlab CI, Kubernetes clusters and Docker containers
Who is Sourceability?
When Sourceability CEO Jens Gamperl founded his company in the electronic components business, he had a vision: digitizing, globalizing and transforming the entire 400 billion dollar market. With 18 offices and warehouses distributed globally in Asia, the USA, Central America, as well as Europe, Sourceability saves its customers a lot of effort. Account managers request quotes from dozens of distributors, compare prices, coordinate delivery dates and ensure high product quality.
Ready for more?
Let's talk ideas, challenges, needs, and solutions.

Timothy Becker
Director Business Development