Simplicity is the rapidly growing fashion company behind the brands OPUS and someday. We have developed a commerce platform for Simplicity that can keep up with its strong growth – and that empowers it to reach the next technological level. A tech project for the ages.

Ready for replatforming.

Technology is part of Simplicity's DNA. From the start, the fashion company implemented new technologies into its digital processes and developed systems in-house. In 2017, it was time to take the digital sales infrastructure to the next level. For this purpose, we replatformed the existing online store into a modern commerce infrastructure based on Spryker.

In the process, we divided a formerly monolithic system into individual, modular services. This makes Simplicity even more flexible – and secures its digital growth in the long term.

A platform that just runs. And runs.

And runs. That's because after launch, our goal was crystal clear: being future-proof. And since the future is a moving target, we made sure that systems are not only always up to date technologically, but can perform even better. Thanks to this fine-tuning, the platform is now particularly robust, and peak load times are no problem. Sorry, Black Friday.
Together with Turbine Kreuzberg, we have achieved a whole new level of technological quality, performance and flexibility in our digital business.
Stefan Leewe

Stefan Leewe



“This will greatly benefit us in our further development over the coming years. With Turbine Kreuzberg, we were not only able to launch a new cross-brand platform, but also to continuously push it forward technologically – as well as ourselves as an organization. Our teams have gained a lot from the knowledge transfer in particular,” Stefan Leewe, CEO of simplicity, continues.

Products always available – with the right logic.

The platform is particularly clever when it comes to inventory management. We have implemented an availability logic that reserves products in shopping carts company-wide and in real time, connecting products available online with those intended for delivery to retail spaces. In this way, the platform ensures that the desired products are always available for end customers and retailers alike – a true omnichannel approach. Win-win... win.

Two worlds, one platform.

A shared cart brings Simplicity's two brands OPUS and someday even closer together. Customers switching from one store to the other keep their selected products in their cart and can order across brands. Want to use the same payment method as always? Sure – fast checkout is included. And with single sign-on, no customer has to register twice. Simplicity thus strengthens its brands and gains cross-selling opportunities.

Better than a hunch? Hard figures.

Speaking of selling. With the new platform, we have created a technological structure to continuously measure and optimize key KPIs in digital fashion retail. Increasing order numbers and shopping cart values, decreasing return rates: the platform offers the right toolset to make well-founded decisions.

Deployment almost indistinguishable from magic.

Under the hood, conditions could not be better for developing the platform even further. For example, we have automated the deployment process down to just a few clicks. And relevant people and systems are kept in the loop throughout. To prevent design errors or unwanted changes from ending up in the production environment, we have also directly integrated visual testing. And package updates are carried out by a Renovate bot we specially implemented.


  • Replatforming based on Spryker Commerce OS

  • Implementation of two brand stores, each localized in four countries, with shared cart and single sign-on

  • Design of the system architecture

  • Continuous integration with pipeline based on Gitlab CI, Kubernetes clusters and Docker containers

  • API development and systems integration

  • Continuous use of modern frontend technologies (Vue.js & Webpack)