Search: From Keywords to Smart Recommendations

Search drives online shopping. We implement enterprise search solutions, so your customers find exactly what they need—even if they don't know what they're looking for yet. In real-time, intelligent, semantic, and AI-powered. For more customer satisfaction, higher conversion rates, and booming sales.


Enterprise Search

When users find what they're looking for faster, conversion rates rise. A powerful "Search and Discovery" is essential for the success of commerce platforms like marketplaces, procurement platforms, or service portals. The prerequisite: high-quality, well-structured, and consistent data.

We provide the necessary data foundation, assist in technology selection, and seamlessly integrate popular enterprise search engines into your system landscape. With AI features like semantic search, personalization, and learning algorithms that continuously adapt to user behavior, we create the optimal search experience and drive more sales.

Enterprise Search unlocks

  • Targeted, personalized product recommendations and presentations
  • Time and efficiency gains through quick information search and easier product findability
  • Better customer experience, satisfaction, and loyalty
  • Increased understanding of customer behavior and needs

What we do

Data Audit & Architecture

We prepare your data through standardization and enrichment for outstanding search results. Additionally, we develop suitable and efficient data architectures.

Technology Selection

We map your requirements and processes to select the ideal enterprise search platform.

Implementation & Integration

We implement selected enterprise search tools like Elasticsearch, Algolia, and Solr, and integrate them with adjacent systems like e-commerce platforms or PIMs.

Customization & Optimization

The solution is tailored to your needs. Through evaluation, we identify new potential for further development.


Let's talk

Semantic Search: More Precise Search in a Matter of Hours

Semantic search takes finding what your customers are looking for to a whole new level. This technology understands the meaning and context of search queries, rather than just relying on exact keyword matches. By using Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning, semantic search engines can recognize the intent behind a query and deliver relevant results, even if the entered terms don't exactly match the stored data.

100% improved search results
+30% Order Value
Improved User Experience

The result: more precise search results, an improved user experience, and higher customer satisfaction. All up and running in a first proof of concept within a few hours.

Get in touch

Technology Stack / Enterprise Search

Algolia is a cloud-based search engine as-a-service known for its fast response times and easy API integration.


Elasticsearch is a distributed search and analytics engine that stands out for its ability to process large volumes of data in real-time.


Solr is an open-source search platform distinguished by its high customizability and support for complex search requirements.


What sets us apart

Delivery Excellence

Delivering is our top priority. Through smart management, we keep projects on track from discovery to go-live and beyond.

Holistic View

Our experience allows us to quickly grasp the necessary context and then take responsibility for specific domains or even overall coordination.

Deep Tech Expertise

Our tech experts work on complex architectures and maintain solutions at the highest level, always ready for the next upgrade.

Best-of-Breed for Every Need

Benefiting from our partner ecosystem, we are able to model the right technology stack for every use case.

Collaboration at Eye Level

We work in partnership and integrate seamlessly into project teams, developing suitable solutions with openness and pragmatism.

Ready for more?

Let's talk ideas, challenges, needs, and solutions.

Timothy Becker
Director Business Development
+1 516 727 326 9

Book a meeting