Customer Portal: Gateway to Delighted Customers

Long-term relationships need transparency and trust – that’s especially true in B2B. Our tailored Customer Portals take customer interaction to a new level. They boost process efficiency through self-service and automation. Hello, Customer Centricity at its finest, tangible and with noticeable value for everyone.


Let's rethink the digital interface between businesses and customers

B2B customers are more connected, informed, and demanding than ever. They expect top-notch service – in real-time, 24/7. A tailored customer portal enables transparent, immediate dialogue with your customers. Here, they find all relevant services and information bundled and up-to-date: product and order details, support requests, or exclusive services. The portal becomes the central hub for customer relationships. And it provides valuable insights for continuous business optimization.

Tailored customer portals unlock:

  • Stronger bonds through personal value for customers
  • More efficient processes through self-service solutions
  • Increased customer satisfaction thanks to 24/7 support
  • Cost reduction through automation of routine tasks

What we do

Concept & Solution Design

We analyze business processes and design a Customer Portal solution that perfectly fits current and future needs.

Technology Selection

Aligning requirements with technological possibilities: We assemble the technology stack that best fits the task and reveals new potentials.

Custom Implementation

Our teams implement customer portals from MVP to full application – iteratively based on direct market feedback and closely coordinated with internal departments.

Optimization & Development

After go-live is before go-live. We continuously develop and optimize the solution for maximum performance.


Let's talk

What sets us apart

Delivery Excellence

Delivering is our top priority. Through smart management, we keep projects on track from discovery to go-live and beyond.

Holistic View

Our experience allows us to quickly grasp the necessary context and then take responsibility for specific domains or even overall coordination.

Deep Tech Expertise

Our tech experts work on complex architectures and maintain solutions at the highest level, always ready for the next upgrade.

Best-of-Breed for Every Need

Benefiting from our partner ecosystem, we are able to model the right technology stack for every use case.

Collaboration at Eye Level

We work in partnership and integrate seamlessly into project teams, developing suitable solutions with openness and pragmatism.

Ready for more?

Let's talk ideas, challenges, needs, and solutions.

Daniel Ristig
Director New Business & Strategic Partnerships
+49 160 78 6464 7

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