Safe, safer, cybersecure

We proactively boost company security by modeling potential threats, uncovering vulnerabilities, and conducting digital investigations. This way, businesses gain the upper hand over security risks and ensure maximum data protection for their customers.



Our cybersecurity experts scrutinize websites and digital footprints with a keen eye and the right tools. With services like OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) and Web Application Assessments, we ensure all your digital activities are secure, keeping unwanted guests out. We use a modern tool stack and also offer custom solutions.

Our Cybersecurity services

  • Risk Minimization: Systematically review attack vectors and vulnerabilities
  • Efficiency Boost: Proactively uncover errors and security gaps
  • Resource Management: Outsource web app tests and security checks to Turbine Kreuzberg
  • Preventive Protection: Safeguard reputation and brand
  • Compliance Assurance: Ensure adherence to legal regulations

What we do

Web Application Assessment

Web Application Assessment

Our Web Application Security Test offers a thorough analysis of digital platforms. The goal is to identify potential security risks and vulnerabilities, and to derive proactive measures that strengthen digital resilience. This includes:

  • Depending on scope, assessing all web applications, APIs, services, and compliance requirements
  • Automated and manual information gathering methods
  • Detailed threat identification and prioritization
  • Detailed vulnerability analysis with a comprehensive reporting
  • Prioritized recommendations with most relevant mitigation measures

Web Application Assessment Packages


Let's talk

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

OSINT is a strategic approach that gathers information from publicly accessible sources. This provides companies with insights into their public digital footprints, potential threats, and industry trends. This includes

  • Scoping to identify key digital assets
  • Utilizing advanced threat intelligence tools for real-time detection
  • Providing technical insights to regulatory compliance to stay ahead of industry regulations
  • Industry benchmarking to analyze digital strategies and online reputation
  • Tailoring reports meeting specific business needs and regulatory demands

OSINT Packages


Let's talk

Technology Stack / Cybersecurity

Shodan is a search engine that tracks and indexes connected devices on the internet, allowing to uncover vulnerabilities in poorly protected IoT devices.


SpiderFoot is an OSINT application that systematically searches, links, and visualizes publicly available data on the internet in a "social graph".


By collecting and linking open-access information, Maltego visualizes relationship networks in the form of a graph, helping to uncover connections and insights.


What sets us apart

Delivery Excellence

Delivering is our top priority. Through smart management, we keep projects on track from discovery to go-live and beyond.

Holistic View

Our experience allows us to quickly grasp the necessary context and then take responsibility for specific domains or even overall coordination.

Deep Tech Expertise

Our tech experts work on complex architectures and maintain solutions at the highest level, always ready for the next upgrade.

Best-of-Breed for Every Need

Benefiting from our partner ecosystem, we are able to model the right technology stack for every use case.

Collaboration at Eye Level

We work in partnership and integrate seamlessly into project teams, developing suitable solutions with openness and pragmatism.

Ready for more?

Let's talk ideas, challenges, needs, and solutions.

Arron Finnon
Director Cybersecurity

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