Flutter: The one-codebase solution for all your apps

Flutter offers the possibility to create mobile, web and desktop applications from a single codebase. It shines thanks to its efficiency and flexibility.

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Why We Choose Flutter

Cross-platform development
One codebase for mobile, web and desktop applications.

Powerful apps
With native compilation and hardware-accelerated graphics.

Efficient development
Thanks to hot reload and extensive development tools.

»Flutter makes app development fun. Thanks to dart programming, we can develop apps very quickly with Flutter - across platforms for desktop, mobile and other touchpoints.«


Bernd Alter

Flutter is an open source UI software development kit from Google that is used to develop applications for different platforms from a single codebase. It uses the Dart programming language and offers a variety of widgets that support both Google's Material Design and Apple's Cupertino Design Guidelines.

How It Works

  • Dart Programming: Flutter applications are written in Dart, a language optimized for fast applications on any platform. Flutter uses Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation for fast performance.
  • Rendering Engine: The Flutter engine, written primarily in C++, provides low-level rendering support and utilizes the Skia graphics library or “Impeller” graphics layer to display pixels on the screen.
  • Widgets: Flutter provides an extensive library of widgets that implement both Material Design and Cupertino Design Guidelines. Widgets are the basic building blocks of a Flutter application and can be either stateless or stateful.


  • Cross-platform development: One codebase for mobile, web and desktop applications.
  • Hot Reload: Real-time preview of code changes without state-loss.
  • Native compilation: Compilation to ARM or Intel machine code as well as JavaScript and WebAssembly.
  • Skia graphics library: Hardware-accelerated 2D graphics.
  • Dart programming language: Optimized for fast applications and easy package management.
  • Extensive widget library: Support for Material Design and Cupertino Design Guidelines.
  • Third-party packages: Easy integration and use of packages from the pub repository.
  • Automated testing: Extensive support for unit tests, widget tests and integration tests.
  • Integration with Google services: Seamless integration with Firebase, Google Maps, Google Ads and more.

Flutter offers a powerful and flexible solution for the development of modern applications. Regardless of the use case - we are happy to develop your native app with you.

Ready for more?

Let’s talk about ideas, challenges, needs, and solutions.

Timothy Becker
Director Business Development
+49 151 106 334 96

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