Tech Consulting to Unlock

The first step to releasing new technological potential: building the right strategic foundation. We analyze existing infrastructures, develop integrated tech strategies, and engineer solutions that fit your business requirements. And with over 25 years of experience in digital commerce, we know how to propel transactional business models forward. Our specialty? Getting you future-ready by helping you become data-ready.

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Our Tech Consulting Services

Analysis & Assessment

Analyze your status quo and assess technology and business requirements

Solution Design & Tech Strategy

Build holistic technology strategies and effective software solutions

Data & AI

Understand your organization's data maturity and enable data-driven decision-making

Commerce Consulting

Design and develop commerce strategies ready for implementation

Tech Strategy, or how to turn goals into reality

Sound technological strategies are at the core of achieving company goals. More turnover, sales, team growth, or simply: more "impact"? Together, we analyze how your status quo meets tomorrow’s demands. We determine your technological target vision and shape the right plan to achieve it.

The result? Clear recommendations and initiatives that allow you to put new digital retail models to the test, develop efficient data and process applications, or model scenarios for entire technological carve-outs. Respond to fast-changing tech environments, while reducing unnecessary complexity and laying the groundwork for true, tangible innovation.

Honest guidance based in implementation excellence

What sets us apart? We deliver on what we recommend. Our skilled implementation teams are involved from first concept to final sprint, drawing on the experience gained in dozens of software projects rolled out to production. We bridge the gap that often exists between strategy and implementation, only prescribing solutions we would actually put into practice ourselves. And if necessary, we’re ready to do so.

Tailored teams make for solutions that fit

Every challenge is unique. Put our experience to work in order to meet it. Our tech consulting specialists bring a broad range of expertise and skill sets to the table. From software and solution architects to data strategists and commerce experts: our first order of business is assembling just the right team for you to ensure solutions are neither pre-built nor off-the-rack, but tailored just to your objectives.

for more?

Get in touch.

Daniel Ristig
Director New Business & Strategic Partnerships
+49 160 78 6464 7


Timothy Becker
Director Business Development US
+1 516 727 32 69