Enterprise Applications

When requirements become increasingly specific and standard solutions require too much compromise, we say: dare to go custom. We design and implement custom enterprise applications, giving you new flexibility and the ability to shape entire system landscapes. Let's find new technological approaches to achieve your business goals, from data hubs to product configurators, pricing engines, and more.

Get in touch

Our Enterprise
Application Services

Data Hub

We specialize in building flexible data hubs that consolidate data streams and make system landscapes even more adaptable.

Custom Tech Stack

We meet requirements with stacks that fit the task at hand just right. With a unique ability to integrate different technologies built in.

Beyond the norm and even further

The requirements that companies have for their systems are becoming more complex, more short-lived and, above all, more specific. The seamless interaction of systems is what counts. We model digital processes, combine the appropriate technologies and implement solutions that fit the challenge exactly. Or we define the problem together from scratch.

This results in hubs that consolidate data streams, BOM upload services that B2B customers can use to order hundreds of thousands of parts at once, or dashboarding tools that make decisions easier. What we aspire to do? To enable companies to actively shape and scale their technological evolution.

Data is the new gold freedom

One thing is clear: every business model today is data-driven. Still, not every company is equally prepared for it. The number of customer touchpoints is increasing. Usage models are becoming more diverse. More data sources and multi-layered data streams make system landscapes more complex. With customized, independent data hubs, we bring new flexibility to system landscapes. So that companies themselves determine the speed of their evolution instead of being slowed down by legacy structure.

Tech Stack / Enterprise Applications

Languages & Technologies
Frameworks & Libraries
Database Management
Data & Search
Event Handlers & Message Brokers
Testing / Debugging / Bundling

for more?

Get in touch.

Daniel Ristig
Director New Business & Strategic Partnerships
+49 160 78 6464 7


Timothy Becker
Director Business Development US
+1 516 727 32 69