
Get proactive about security by gaining insights into your digital footprint, modeling potential threats, and testing against vulnerabilities. To protect not only your interests, but to preserve the trust of those who put their data in your care: your customers.

Our Services
Open Source Intelligence / OSINT
Web Application Assessment

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Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)


OSINT is a valuable and strategic approach to gather information from publicly available sources, helping businesses gain insights into their digital footprint, potential threats, and industry.


Quick and cost-effective overview over your organization’s digital presence

What you get
  • Digital snapshot report highlighting key findings
  • Recommendations for immediate improvement

What we do
  • Initial scoping to identify key digital assets
  • Utilize automated scans for quick data collection
  • Basic analysis of website security, social media visibility, and domain details
  • Generate a digital snapshot report with key findings and immediate improvement recommendations
Pro Insights

In-depth analysis for strategic insights into your digital landscape and your industry

What you get
  • Detailed report with key findings and industry benchmarking
  • Strategic recommendations for maintaining a competitive edge

What we do
  • Extended scoping to identify additional areas of interest and industry intelligence
  • Combine automated tools with manual review for a deeper understanding
  • Industry benchmarking to analyze digital strategies and online reputation
  • Implement continuous monitoring for emerging threats
Comprehensive Suite

Holistic intelligence encompassing cybersecurity and regulatory requirements

What you get
  • Comprehensive intelligence report with actionable insights
  • Continuous monitoring and periodic updates
  • Regulatory tech insights for specific industries

What we do
  • Full-scope analysis covering all digital assets
  • Utilize advanced threat intelligence tools for real-time detection
  • Provide technical insights to regulatory compliance to stay ahead of industry regulations
  • Tailor reports meeting specific business needs and regulatory demands

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3 Steps to OSINT-based Security

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is a critical tool for safeguarding your organization. Our three-step OSINT framework provides a systematic approach to understand, analyze, and protect your digital footprint. Follow these steps to utilize public information to craft a robust defense strategy.

❶ Analyze your digital footprint

Begin with a thorough collection of information to understand your organization's online presence and potential vulnerabilities. This involves examining a variety of public sources such as company websites, social media, forums, WHOIS databases, and open data repositories. The goal is to compile a report that outlines your digital trails and identifies key exposure points.

❷ Derive strategic insights

Analyze the collected data to extract actionable intelligence. This includes a detailed risk assessment to identify threats and weaknesses, and understanding their potential impact. By connecting different pieces of information, we uncover hidden relationships and dependencies that provide a more insightful view of your digital environment.

❸ Build blueprints for proactive defense

In the final step, we convert our analysis into a clear set of recommendations and strategies for defense. We highlight critical vulnerabilities and deliver concrete steps to address them. Additionally, we establish a plan for ongoing surveillance to monitor public data sources, which helps in responding to new threats swiftly and maintaining strong security.

Making mistakes is human. Catching them early is a choice.
Arron Finnon, Director Cyber Security

Web Application Assessment


Our web application security test offers a thorough analysis and health assessment of your online platforms, aiming to pinpoint potential cybersecurity vulnerabilities and weak points, providing a proactive measure to ensure digital safety.

Basic Security Scan

Providing a rapid overview of security vulnerabilities

What you get
  • Maturity assessment based on a simplified maturity scale
  • Documentation of the key findings and recommendations

What we do
  • Gathering of information through automated tools and basic DNS enumeration
  • Basic vulnerability analysis, categorizing findings by severity and business impact
  • General recommendations and an outline for an action plan based on findings
Comprehensive Security Audit

Carry out a detailed audit of vulnerabilities for the application

What you get
  • Detailed threat identification & vulnerability analysis (advanced risk scoring)
  • Prioritized recommendation and mitigation plan

What we do
  • In-depth scope definition covering the prioritized systems
  • Include both automated and manual information gathering methods
  • Detailed threat identification and prioritization
  • Detailed vulnerability analysis with a comprehensive reporting
  • Prioritized recommendations with most relevant mitigation measures
Advanced Security Assessment

Conducting an advanced security assessment including all relevant applications

What you get
  • Detailed threat identification & vulnerability analysis (advanced risk scoring)
  • Prioritized recommendation and mitigation plan (incl. stakeholder collaboration and continuous monitoring)

What we do
  • Comprehensive scope definition incl. all web applications, APIs, services, and compliance requirements
  • Extensive use of information gathering methods
  • Comprehensive threat identification, risk assessment, and mitigation strategy
  • In-depth vulnerability analysis with advanced risk scoring methods
  • Prioritized recommendations with a complete action plan, incl. stakeholder collaboration and continuous monitoring

3 Steps to Web Application Assessments

Our assessments always result in a Vulnerability Report and Mitigation Action Plan, providing you with a clear roadmap to increase the security of your web apps – and keep them protected. To get there, we follow three basic steps.

❶ Getting all the facts

Security assessments of web applications start with a comprehensive fact-finding mission. We engage with stakeholders and review existing documentation to understand the application's architecture thoroughly. By identifying the technologies, frameworks, and third-party components used, we compile a report that details the application's infrastructure, which is essential for subsequent security analysis.

❷ Mapping potential threats

We then focus on identifying potential threats to the application's critical assets. Using automated tools, we scan for vulnerabilities that could compromise data, user information, or system functionality. The outcome is a detailed report that not only lists vulnerabilities but also ranks them by their potential impact, preparing the groundwork for a customized security plan.

❸ Crafting security strategies

The final stage involves creating security enhancement strategies. With the insights gained from our analysis, we create a clear, actionable plan that includes a summary of our findings, prioritized steps, and strategic recommendations to strengthen the application's security. Collaboration with stakeholders is crucial to ensure that the plan is realistic, with clear timelines and assigned responsibilities, making the application secure now and resilient in the future.

for more?

Get in touch.


Arron Finnon
Director Cybersecurity
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